Awards Categories

Best Leader

The success of an IT project team often rests not only on talent and innovation but also on leadership. This award celebrates leaders who make the difference between success and failure on vital projects.

Entrants can either be nominated by others or can self-nominate themselves. They should show clear achievements in the field of technology leadership.

1. Best Leader – Banking & Financial Services

2. Best Leader – Education

3. Best Leader – Government and Public Sector

4. Best Leader – Healthcare and Pharmaceuticals

5. Best Leader – Manufacturing

6. Best Leader – Retail

7. Best Leader – Utilities

Best Project Outcome

This award celebrates projects which have resulted in a paradigm shift in outcomes in terms of improving service, solving complex engineering/software constraints or saving money/resources, and doing so within time and budget constraints.

8. Best Project Outcome – Banking & Financial Services

9. Best Project Outcome – Education

10. Best Project Outcome – Government and Public Sector

11. Best Project Outcome – Healthcare and Pharmaceuticals

12. Best Project Outcome – Manufacturing

13. Best Project Outcome – Retail

14. Best Project Outcome – Utilities

Most Innovative

This award celebrates the innovative use of technology both existing as well as cutting edge to solve key problems to get dramatically better and easily measurable outcomes.

15. Most Innovative – Banking & Financial Services

16. Most Innovative – Education

17. Most Innovative – Government and Public Sector

18. Most Innovative – Healthcare and Pharmaceuticals

19. Most Innovative – Manufacturing

20. Most Innovative – Retail

21. Most Innovative – Utilities

Editorial Awards

The Editorial Awards are designed to celebrate success in some of the most crucial areas of the technology sector, which are transforming the way companies do business as well as the lives of individuals and entire populations.
22. Excellence in AI
ChatGPT and other AI programs are making dramatic progress in solving everyday problems. Innovative use of AI and machine learning (ML) is increasingly becoming a major competitive differentiator for companies around the world. This award celebrates the most innovative use of AI and related technologies such as deep learning and large language models (LLMs).
23. Excellence in Cloud
Cloud is the foundation of almost every enterprise environment. It’s no longer a question of ‘if’ but ‘when’. Environments have also become more advanced with multi-cloud architectures, infrastructure-as-code and automated management, and sophisticated cost optimisation. This category celebrates the most innovative use of cloud technology and everything that it encompasses.
24. Excellence in Cybersecurity
With the digitalisation of the global economy and data becoming the new oil, cybersecurity has become a crucial consideration. The never-ending war to keep hackers out of networks has seen many heroes and innovations. This award celebrates the innovation and success of cybersecurity teams that protect networks and organisations around the clock.
25. Best Use of Tech by an Enterprise
Companies strive to use technology in the most innovative way possible, often in ways that were not envisaged by the companies that created the technology. This award celebrates the best use of technology by enterprises.
26. Excellence in IoT
Industry 4.0 and AI-driven digital operations are the new buzzwords in almost every environment ranging from factories, healthcare, agriculture, utilities and government, among others. IoT and industrial IoT are key enablers, and they have made dramatic progress in recent years. This award will celebrate the best IoT-enabled projects that have significantly improved business outcomes.
27. Excellence in Sustainability
With increasing awareness of climate change, there’s an understanding across the board that technology and its support systems can be power-intensive and a major contributor to carbon emissions. Organisations across Asia are creating decarbonisation initiatives, calculating and reducing their emissions, and using technology in a more sustainable manner. Sustainability is often a major criterion in judging the success of various IT projects. In other cases, technology is also being used to create a more sustainable future. The award celebrates the use of technology to build a greener future.
28. Best Use of Web 3.0
Web 3.0 and the Metaverse are a new frontier, with the charge being led by large technology companies and startups alike. Companies are already creating a virtual presence on Web 3.0 and using the technology in innovative ways to open new channels and engage customers. We look at the best Web 3.0 implementations in this award category.
29. The Women Leaders in Tech Award

This award celebrates the success attained by women who have excelled in their chosen technology fields and domains, and/or become leaders in their respective fields.

Nominees need to demonstrate tech expertise, leadership, vision, and community advocacy. Their contributions, achievements and leadership in technology roles need to be impactful and above all inspiring for the next generation of technology professionals.

Entrants can either be nominated by others or can self-nominate themselves. They should show clear achievements in the field of technology leadership which indicate:

  • Strategic leadership and thinking
  • Excellent execution of projects
  • Inspiring leadership to companies and working groups
  • Being a clear role-model who can inspire other women to join the technology industry
  • Any other exceptional action, achievements or work that especially merits the award